
After 43 turns around this great big ball we call Sol, I can say for certain there’s nothing I know for certain. The more you learn, the more you learn there is to learn. Being my authentic self is one of the greatest challenges I’ve ever taken on.

Abundance finds me, even when I’m not looking for it.

Within the chaos of the world we must exist in, it is about finding your own path through. I’d like to say I bring you from chaos to calm, but honestly, you have to do the work yourself — I’m just here as a touchstone along the way.

I bring a well-packed toolkit and I’d love the opportunity to share some of those tools with you on your own journey.

As Vivian Greene so aptly states, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

I’ve spent much of the past 2 years doing a lot of writing.  This is reflected in my blogs, which are still hosted over on casstastrophe, but also in the 3 books I’ve published.

First was Casstastrophe The Next Chapter: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Discovery.  This book addresses some basic principles, like journaling, affirmations, goal setting, and FAQ’s about chakras, runes, and crystal healing.

Next came Poetry to Read to My Pets, a cute stocking-stuffer type book, with humorous poems to read to your pet, with many types of pets to choose from.

Most recently is my book Casstastrophe The Missing Chapter: Incomplete Short Stories. This is a fun story-prompt book. The idea is to catch the tone from the story snippet and continue the piece, making it your own.

All are available on Amazon.com or from me in person.

Look for my Poetry Chapter coming out soon, as well as a novel I’m in the midst of writing.

No man is an island unto himself. I could not be who I am today with out the amazing people who support me in my dreams. This includes my family and friends. I am who I am today because of all of them! I couldn’t have more gratitude for the love and grace they show me on a regular basis.

My son turns 20 this year. I can hardly believe it. Time flies when you’re having fun, so they say.  It has been a wild ride for sure, and I wouldn’t change a minute of it all.

As it happens, I believe no home is complete without a cat. My home has two. Simon is a fiesty ginger boy who is all things cat. We like to consider him the solid of the two. And Monty, a polydactyl, is our little black void. He is more of a liquid, and can be found pestering any human available to play a game of fetch.

If you’re looking for more about who I am and what I’ve done, you can find some of that still on casstastrophe.com for now.  The intention is to move everything over to this side except my writing. Stay with me as things shift! I believe that we’re all always growing into who we want to be when we grow up.


What people are saying:

Cass, you have always been so understanding, kind, gentle, and compassionate with me. Always here for me too. You gave me a lot of what I needed, and it opened my eyes to see that not everyone is malicious and out to hurt or abuse me.
Katie H.
I just wanted to share that I think you're an amazing and excellent person. Cass, I find your capacity for support and empathy that you so often shine on people is so inspiring.
Jon P.
Cass, thank-you. You are smart; really smart. Your wisdom and intelligence are such big benefits for the work you do. I look forward to being present as you grow!
A. S.
Social Worker
If it were not for the people like you, Cass, I don't think I'd ever have made as many songs. And this album would have never come to be. I can't thank you enough; it's a cold world for an artist, especially ones that couldn't believe in themselves for the longest.
Nick B.
Cass is an inspiration who listens intently with great compassion. She cares deeply and helps direct you to your
true potential. She is an amazing mentor to have on your team. Cass, we are all blessed by your presence.
Ngozi I.